Neutron Detectors and Beam Monitors Development

Position sensitive neutron detectors planned for the instruments of new spallation neutron sources, which require high rate capability and high spatial resolution on large areas, are being the subject of an important effort in research and development.


Evaluation of conventional scintillation technologies

Two detector head prototypes, one based of clear fibers (PEARL type pixel, with the same size and smaller one) and the other based on WLSF with 4 different pixel geometries and HEIMDAL pixel size, are being characterized. The Data Acquisition Electronics module and GUI was developed by Scientifica International.

Development of new concepts based on scintillators

Counting single events of neutron detection in scintillators using CMOS cameras and image processing. This activity is being developed in collaboration with the group of Paolo Mutti at ILL and partially funded by SINE2020 UE project.

Low background beam monitors

Conceptual design, in collaboration with ESS and funded by Birghtness, of a low background neutron neutron beam monitor for ESS based on the technology of n-TOF@CERN:

This activity is being performed in collaboration with ESS and funded by BirghtnESS UE project. The conceptual design of a low background neutron beam monitor for ESS is based on the technology of n-TOF@CERN. The work includes:

  • MCNP simulations for substrate/converter/detector geometry to minimize absorption and get the required efficiency.
  • Ion detector selection: Si, SiC or Multi Channel Plates (MCP) according to radiation hardness needs.
  • Ion detectors embedded in two positions in the beam guide allow 2 efficiencies.