2018ko azaroaren 10a


Pertsona-ehun gehiago erdiak ESS-a Bilbo Partzuergoak Zamudio-ko Parke Teknologikoan dituen instalazioak bisitatu dituzte arratsalde honetan, aurrerapenek zientzialaria ezagutu ahal izan dutela lehen eskukoa teknologikoak itxura|fisikari eta ingeniariak eramaten ari direla Neutroietako Europako Iturriaren proiektuari Espalación-etik (ESS-etatik) laguntzeko. Azpiegitura zientifikoa teknologikoa gaur egun Europan eraikitzen ari den tamaina handieneko materialen ikerketarako.
2018ko azaroaren 6a

Zientzia astea/Semana de la ciencia visits ESS Bilbao

ESS Bilbao together with the University of the Basque Country and within the Edition XVIII of the Week of Science Technology and Innovation has organized an external visit to the scientific and technological facilities that the Consortium has in the Zamudio Technology Park
2018ko urriaren 24a

ESS Bilbao bere profesional taldea indartzen du

ESS Bilbao-k 4 enplegu eskaintzako deialdia egin du, bere profesional talde osoak sendotzeko eta Lund-en eraikitzen duen neutroien iturriaren Europako proiektuarekin konpromisoa hartu ahal izateko.
2018ko apirilaren 27a

Spain, new founding member of the European Spallation Source ERIC

The Council of the European Spallation Source has ratified the accession of Spain as a founding member with full rights in the consortium participated by 15 members and observer’s European countries, committed in the construction of the most important scientific-technological infrastructure that Europe will have in the next decade.
2018ko otsailaren 6a

Student Group visits ESS Bilbao

Mario Pérez and his team welcomed a group of students visiting ESS Bilbao facility in Zamudio
2018ko otsailaren 5a

Mario Pérez meets his staff

Mario Pérez, new executive director of ESS Bilbao, meets his staff at Ugaldeguren head offices

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