El Consejo de la European Spallation Source reitera la relevancia de España como país socio y avala su entrada inminente en el ERIC Bilbao, 5 y 6 de diciembre de 2016.- El Consejo de la European Spallation Source ERIC, en su reunión celebra en Bilbao, ha reiterado la importancia que para el proyecto europeo supone la entrada de España como miembro socio fundador en el European Research Infrastructure Consortium -ERIC- de la ESS.
The European Spallation Source marked an important milestone today at the construction site in Lund. Now the organisation is a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC), a type of legal entity created by the European Commission for governing international research facilities. The European Commission’s Director-General for Research and Innovation, Robert-Jan Smits handed over the official ‘plates’ of the ERIC from the Commission to ESS. He was joined by the Swedish Research Minister Helene Hellmark Knutsson, and her Danish counterpart Esben Lunde Larsen, as well as representatives from the partner countries.