Neutron Detectors & Radiation Sources Lab
The development and characterization of neutron technologies, such as position sensitive detectors, beam monitors, neutrons choppers…, requires access to neutrons. ESS Bilbao has recently set up a lab for neutron detector development at their headquarters in Zamudio. New neutron detection strategies based on scintillators and tests of prototypes will be carried out in this laboratory.
- Scintillator materials: 6Li/ZnS and 6Li glass.
- NIM electronics: Counters, discriminators, analyzers…
- Photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) and Silicon photomultipliers (Si-PMs).
- Blackout room with microscope and high sensibility cameras.
- 252Cf low activity neutron source and moderation and shielding materials (PE and lead Tricks).
- Application to the legal authority to install an 241AmBe neutron source of 1 Ci of activity is underway.
- Gamma Sources.
Neutron detector
- Test of the detectors for MIRACLES insgtrument.
- Characterization of detector prototypes based on the detection of the light produces in scintillation materials by optical fibers, plastic (POF) or Wavelength Shifting (WLF) and photomultiplier tubes.
- Development of new detectors based on the using ZnS/6LiF scintillators coupled to CMOS cameras and a demagnification optics to detect and image the light of single neutrons.
- Development of low attenuation and background beam monitors.
- Characterization of neutron absorption layers for neutron choppers.
- Moderator and shielding calculation validations.
- Services for industry and academia.