Zientzia astea/Semana de la ciencia visits ESS Bilbao

ESS Bilbao together with the University of the Basque Country / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea and within the Edition XVIII of the Zientzia Astea, Week of Science, Technology and Innovation has organized an external visit to the scientific and technological facilities that the Consortium has in the Zamudio Technology Park (Calle Laida Bidea, building 201) http://zientzia-astea.org/es/schedule/visita-al-ess-bilbao/
ESS Bilbao is a strategic center of international reference in acceleration of particles and neutron sciences and technologies that provides knowledge and added value through the contribution in kind to the project of the European Spallation Neutron Source (ESS), scientific infrastructure that is being building in the Swedish city of Lund and which is the most relevant reference in materials research that Europe will have in the next decade.
The visit to the laboratories will have an informative character and will serve to understand the scientific and technological importance that this facility located in Zamudio has within the global European project.