ESS Bilbao’s target system, heart of the European Neutron Source, already in Sweden

ESS Bilbao delivers one of the key committed In Kind contributions
AVS, Nortemecánica Thune Eureka responsible for the manufacture of several components
Bureau Veritas and Lloyd’s have verified quality throughout the manufacturing process
More than six years have passed since ESS Bilbao took on the challenge of designing, manufacturing, and commissioning the target of the most powerful spallation neutron source in the world. During this period, the team of engineers from ESS Bilbao have been responsible for hours of conceptual design, calculations, simulations, transfer to plans to finally start the manufacturing process with the search for partners in the science industry that could make it possible.
AVS, Nortemecánica and Thune Eureka have been responsible, in coordination with the ESS Bilbao team, for manufacturing the different components that make up this complex engineering system. The spallation target is one of the most important In Kind contributions from Spain to the European Spallation Neutron Source (ESS) project.
The target is the place where the protons that come from the accelerator impact and where the neutrons that will be used in scientific experiments in many disciplines are generated. It is a vertical “hanging” structure of more than 8 m high, unique in its kind, formed by the motor unit at the head from which they hang or fit, the rotary seal, the shaft and the wheel. The delivery of this system will be a great milestone for the European project as it is considered the heart of ESS.
Photo: Ulrika Hammarlund ESS