Design specification for the European Spallation Source neutron generating target element
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 856 (2017) 99-108. Elsevier (Netherlands).
A. Aguilar, F. Sordo, T. Mora, L. Mena, M. Mancisidor, J. Aguilar, G. Bakedano, I. Herranz, P. Luna, M. Magán, R. Vivanco, F. Jiménez-Villacorta (ESS Bilbao, ES); K. Sjogreen, U. Oden (ESS, SE); J.M. Perlado (IFN, ES); J.L. Martínez (ESS Bilbao, ES); F.J. Bermejo (CSIC, ES).