International experts in neutron sciences will meet at the Leioa Campus UPV/EHU

BCMaterials, ESS Bilbao, CFM and Ineustar, organizers of the international meeting IMoH2022, to be held from June 20 to 22
From June 20-22, the Campus of the University of the Basque Country in Leioa will host the 1st International Meeting on Opportunities and Challenges for HICANS (IMoH2022). This is the first meeting in Spain dedicated to HICANS, compact scientific facilities that facilitate access to neutron experimentation for scientific personnel.
The meeting will bring together some of Europe’s leading experts in neutron science, who will discuss the state of the art and the development of high intensity compact neutron sources (HICANS). The neutron science and technology reference centers BCMaterials, ESS Bilbao, the Center for Materials Physics (CFM, a joint center of the CSIC and the UPV/EHU) and Ineustar are organizing this meeting.
Neutron science, strategic in science policy
Adolfo Morais, Vice-Deputy of Universities and Research, Estíbaliz Hernáez, Vice-Deputy of Technology, Innovation and Digital Transformation of the Basque Government, together with Inmaculada Aróstegui, Vice-Rector of Research of the UPV/EHU, will participate in the opening session of this international meeting. Neutron sciences are a strategic axis in the science and technology plans of governments due to their very high innovative potential and the multiple applications they offer in fields such as life sciences, medicine, energy, environment, telecommunications, etc. In this sense, one of the objectives of IMoH2022 is to contribute to project the work of the Basque Country in its neutronics development strategy.
Large universities and research centers can host these facilities with their revolutionary compact technology, which facilitates the access of both scientists and students to neutron research. This allows them to perform preliminary experiments to characterize matter that will later be developed in large facilities, such as spallation sources or nuclear reactors.
Leading European experts
During the three days of the meeting, researchers and professors from universities and research centers, highly specialized in neutron and material sciences, will give talks on the latest scientific advances in the field. Likewise, companies from the science industry will also have an active participation to learn about the opportunities that these facilities can offer.
IMoH2022 has top European speakers in neutron science such as Thomas Brückel, director of the Jülich Centre for Neutron Science in Germany, Robert McGreevy, from the ISIS facility at STFC in the United Kingdom or Juan Rodríguez Carvajal, from the ILL- Institut Laue-Langevin in France, among others.
Within the activities of the congress, attendees will have the opportunity to visit the facilities of ESS Bilbao in the Zamudio Technology Park and BCMaterials, on the campus of Leioa, where they will know in situ the scientific and technological advances that are developed in both centers.
For more information:
Daniel Bacigalupe: +34 652 74 44 71
Sira Cordón: + 34 608 01 33 24