April 10, 2017

Another internal status meeting in ESS Bilbao

Pedro González met ESS Bilbao team to update the status of the project. Next, Félix Jiménez Villacorta, Lead Scientist, gave a talk about MIRACLES instrument, which ESS Bilbao is main partner.
December 6, 2016

The ESS Council reaffirms the importance of Spain as a partner country and supports its imminent entry into the ERIC

The European Spallation Source Council reaffirms the importance of Spain as a partner country and supports its imminent entry in the ERIC Bilbao event, from 5th to 6th December 2016. The European Spallation Source ERIC Council, in a meeting held in Bilbao, has reiterated the importance for the European project of the entry of Spain as a founding member of the European Research Infrastructure Consortium -ERIC- of ESS.
November 15, 2016

The First workshop on ‘Engineering aspects of large-scale In-Kind projects’

Fisrt BrightnESS* Best Practice Workshop on engineering aspect of large-scale In-Kind projects Supported by the European Spallation Source ERIC, Elettra Sincrotrone and ESS Bilbao Around one hundred scientists from Europe will be coming to Bilbao to discuss the implementation of best practises in engineering protocols for large-scale science projects
November 11, 2016

FIRST SPANISH IN-KIND DELIVERY: Shielding for the proton beam dump

The initial elements of the shielding for the beam dump, in particular 200 concrete blocks, have been delivered by ESS Bilbao to the European Spallation Source as the first Spanish in-kind delivery to the European research infrastructure project in November 2016.

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